
113年全國夏季學院第二階段報名中,暑假跨校通識抵學分!Registration Open for the Second Phase of Summer College: Join Us for Inter-University General Education Credits!
















Dear Students,

We hope this message finds you well. Have you made plans for your upcoming summer break? We are pleased to announce that the second phase of registration for Summer College is now open. Summer College offers a diverse range of 56 general education courses spanning various disciplines. Regardless of your specific interests, we are confident that you will find courses aligned with your academic and personal aspirations.

Summer College is committed to providing students like you with an opportunity to engage in summer studies, foster cross-institutional exchange, and earn recognition for general education credits. Courses are conducted across multiple locations in Taiwan, ensuring accessibility for those returning home for the summer. Additionally, we offer synchronous distance learning options to accommodate your preferences.

Whether you are a freshman or a senior, we encourage you to consider incorporating Summer College into your summer learning plans. Summer College offers a conducive environment for you to interact, collaborate, and grow alongside fellow students from diverse academic backgrounds.

The second phase of course selection is currently underway, and we urge you to seize this invaluable opportunity for additional learning. Choose one or multiple courses that resonate with your interests, and enrich your university experience.

The second phase of registration is open from now until 23:59 on May 28(Tue).

Here are some important details to note:

Students from low-income households, medium-low-income households, or those with demonstrated financial hardship, who meet the course requirements, are eligible to apply for a full refund of the credit fees.


To access further information and resources, please refer to the following links:

Course Enrollment Announcement (Undergraduate): https://www.n2.org.tw/enter/news/detail/244

Course Information of Summer College: http://www.n2.org.tw/enter/lesson

Credit Recognition Information: https://www.n2.org.tw/enter/reconized_list/start

Course Selection Tutorial Video: https://reurl.cc/xlyjMZ

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the provided information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We eagerly look forward to your presence in our classrooms. Contact Information: Email: n2summerntu@gmail.com


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